Friday, September 30, 2011


What catches your heart on fire? This is a good question for many of us to answer. Truth is, something is going to light your heart on fire. Something will ignite a passion in your life. For some, it may be your child(ren), wife, girlfriend, husband, boyfiend, etc etc. For me, it's the look in a student's eyes as they learn about God's Word. That's what lights a fire in my heart. I love it.

Last Sunday, I was teaching a small group of about 10 boys on Acts 7. Our main point in KidzPlayce was standing up for what is right. In Acts 7, Stephen has been arrested based on the false testimonies of others. Stephen did not deny his faith and stood up for his beliefs. As I was talking to the kids about this, they seemed only slightly engaged. Then, I threw them a curveball. I asked one of the boys to read Acts 7:55-56...

55But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, gazed steadily into heaven and saw the glory of God, and he saw Jesus standing in the place of honor at God’s right hand. 56 And he told them, “Look, I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing in the place of honor at God’s right hand!” Acts 7:55-56 (NLT)

As soon as the boys heard that, many of them started saying "Whoa", "Awesome", and "Cool" . They couldn't believe that Stephen had actually looked up towards Heaven and seen the Risen Savior standing at God's right hand. After that, they wanted to keep learning. They were totally engaged. They all wanted to keep reading. At that moment, I saw a fire in their eyes that I envy at times. They were hungry for what God has to say in His Word.

I know what I'm about to say may seem selfish, but please understand the context in which it is meant. I pray that God would use me right here in Sevier County, TN for the next 10-15 years. I know that God likes to relocate people to introduce them into new environments. But, I want to see what those boys grow up to be in 5-10-15 years. I want to be able to walk with those boys for as long as they'll let me. I've seen a fire in those boys that's just unbelievable. I look forward to talking with those boys every Sunday. Those boys will need more guidance than anyone before them to deal with what the world throws at them.

So, I'll ask again...What catches your heart on fire?


Adam Farragut

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Hello friends,

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. This is new for me so please be patient with me!

Many of you know that I just got back from my very first mission trip to Uganda, Africa. Words cannot describe how awesome that trip was. There were about 40 of us that went. God definitely showed up and showed off in Africa. If you've never been overseas, I dare you to go to Uganda. It will be both an inspiring and heartbreaking experience for you.

While in Uganda, God dropped the verse Romans 8:37 into my heart. The NIV version reads "...we are more than CONQUERORS through him who loved us." I asked one of the local men what their Luganda word for "conqueror" is. He told me Muwanguzi. That just has a nice ring to it doesn't it? I thought so. I began thinking that Uganda needs conquerors for God in the land. They need people who will not settle until they possess full control of the land for Jesus Christ. When I think about conquerors, I think about powerful men who will not stop until their objective has been achieved. I think about men who cannot be stopped. Shouldn't we do that with God's work? We are not strong enough to do it on our own. As the verse says, we are conquerors through Him. God can give us the power to conquer the land in Uganda. I can't do it all, but I'm not going to do nothing. I have to do something. God hasn't showed me what that's going to be yet.

I've had many people ask me about my trip. Truth is, I cannot give you details of how it has affected my life because I have yet to see what my life will be like now that I've returned. I know what God dropped in me while I was there, but I'm still trying to figure out how it is going to change my life in the U.S. The natural reaction after a mission trip is to sell everything you have, move to Uganda, live in a mud hut in the jungle, and help the people that you saw while there. That is just not practical for me. Don't get me wrong, I'd do it if God asked me to (He would probably have to give me a burning bush to tell me though). The task I'm struggling through now is balancing my compassion for the children of Uganda with my sometimes selfish lifestyle in the U.S.

I can honestly admit that I've been selfish prior to this trip. I have had a tendency to think that this life is all about me. God showed me in Uganda that it's not. I am just a mere background actor in this movie called life. My role is to stay small while making the main actor (God) look good. It's easier said than done.

Since returning from Uganda on Sunday (9/18/11) I have awoke between 3am-4am each morning. Instantly, my mind begins thinking about the children in Uganda. While I'm laying in a warm comfy bed, those children are likely laying on a dirt floor. Don't get me wrong, I know it's not wrong that God blessed me with a bed. I'm not trying to be a Pharisee. This trip--more than anything else--has helped me to APPRECIATE the things God has blessed me with. Before this trip, I don't think I had ever thanked God for the clean, running water out of my faucet. I don't think I had ever thanked him for the warm shower in my bathroom. I don't think I had ever thanked him for the MOUND of laundry laying in my room. Fact is, those children in Uganda would love to have those. My initial reaction after returning was just to be appreciative for what God has given me. I've had to repent for not being appreciative. Are you appreciative of all that you have?? Honestly... We get so caught up in busy, American life that we forget to thank God for the small blessings He has given us. Let's start today to be more appreciative for the big and small things in our lives.

Nkwagala (Love you in Luganda)

Adam Farragut